Messenger - An E-mail and News Client for RISC OS

Messenger Pro

Messenger Pro 2 is a commercial version of the existing freeware Messenger mail and news client. It consists of an enhanced version of Messenger, a new database engine and IMAP/NNTP support. It remains compatible with all popular Internet suites, adding support for Voyager for the first time, and provides all the features currently provided by the freeware version, as well as offering the following benefits:

Obtaining Messenger Pro 2

Messenger Pro 2 is being sold through R-Comp - all enquiries should be made through them. Pricing is £37 inc for the offline version and £45 inc for the online (and offline) version. Site licences are £100. Please see the R-Comp Messenger Pro web site for more information.

© 1998-9 Mark Sawle -
Last updated: 10th November 1999